8 Sustainable Habits to Adopt in the New Year

8 Sustainable Habits to Adopt in the New Year

We’re almost a week into 2022 and that means it's time to check in on those resolutions. If you haven’t chosen what you’d like your goals to be for 2022, it’s not too late. If you’re not a fan of strict resolutions, which research shows often have a greater failure rate, why not pick a theme for the year? A fresh start to the year provides us with the perfect opportunity to begin a new chapter in eco-friendly living! Here are 8 tips we’re implementing in 2022 to help create more sustainable habits in our daily lives.

Buy Sustainable Clothing or Second-Hand 

Did you know that the fashion industry is responsible for between 8 - 10 percent of the world’s carbon emissions? With that scary fact in mind, we are always ready to shop second-hand. Places like Poshmark, consignment, or vintage stores offer incredible, high-end brands of your choice. 

If second-hand isn’t your thing, we recommend doing your research when it comes to brands that choose to use more sustainable materials or with an eco-conscious supply chain. Some of our favorites include Mate the Label, Reformation, and Sézane.

Invest in Sustainable Toiletries 

Take a look around your bathroom and guess what you’ll find? A LOT of plastic. When possible, shop for feminine hygiene products that are made with Bamboo or minimal plastic packaging. We also love purchasing reusable glass bottles and heading to a local shop that offers refillable lotions, hair care products, or body washes. Less ‘single-use waste’ while supporting local business!

Update Your Laundry Routine 

Some of the easiest ways to make your laundry routine more sustainable include cutting back on hot drying cycles and ditching dryer sheets. We love airdrying clothes as it helps to reduce energy use and helps your clothing last longer. For all of our favorite laundry tips check out our post with 4 Easy Tips for a More Eco-Friendly Laundry Routine.

Practice Composting

Composting is a super simple way to reduce waste and put some of your garbage to good use! Our favorite thing to add to our composting bin is our leftover coffee grounds and add them to our garden come spring. 

Woman composting in garden

Install Efficient Home Fixtures 

Take home efficiency to the next level with energy-efficient appliances and fixtures. This could mean using low-flush toilets or LED Lights. Just by changing out a lightbulb, you are well on your way to making powerful and sustainable lifestyle changes!

Bring Your Own Mug or Bottle 

We know it’s been tricky with Covid-19, but next time you head to the coffee shop ask if you can use your own bottle instead of getting a single-use option. If you get multiple to-go coffees a week, this single step can save tons of plastic over time. Many shops will even give you a small discount for bringing your own cup. While we’re on the subject, two of our favorite grocery stores Sprouts and Whole Foods will give a 5 cent discount for every bag you bring. That adds up throughout the year!


Bathroom counter with products

Invest in Re-fillable Cleaning Options 

We are huge fans of brands like Blueland and Force of Nature who offers the option of refilling items like handsoaps, home cleaning products, and dish pods. This makes it super easy to find an option that fits with your home esthetic but allows you to reuse the same bottle time and time again.

Woman washing her hands

Keep Learning 

More than anything, our resolution for 2022 is to continue learning! We love having the opportunity to educate ourselves on new ways to be sustainable via new brands, resources, or moguls within the space. Some of our favorite accounts to follow on social media for helpful sustinability tips are Brightly.eco, The Zero Waste Guide, and Cariuma Green Tips

As with any ‘resolution’ start with small, manageable changes that add up to a significantly less wasteful lifestyle throughout the entire year!

We know it’s been tricky with Covid-19, but next time you head to the coffee shop ask if you can use your own bottle instead of getting a single-use option. If you get multiple to-go coffees a week, this single step can save tons of plastic over time. Many shops will even give you a small discount for bringing your own cup. While we’re on the subject, two of our favorite grocery stores Sprouts and Whole Foods will give a 5 cent discount for every bag you bring. That adds up throughout the year!

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