Decorating Your Home for Winter with Interior Designer Brittany of Canvas House Design

Decorating Your Home for Winter with Interior Designer Brittany of Canvas House Design

Nov 24, 2020 | Blog

As we're packing up the gourds and pulling out the garland it feels as though we're finally moving into winter. We're always turning to Pinterest and our favorite interior designers to glean winter decoration inspiration. This month we had the opportunity to sit down with Brittany of Canvas House Design. We were lucky enough to shoot our latest photoshoot in her amazing home, and had to ask her advice expert design advice to decorate our home for winter and the upcoming holidays. Read on to learn about her career journey, her design tips for working from home, and how to pack a big punch in a small kitchen! You can follow her on instagram at @canvashousedesign.


  • Give us a brief background about yourself and how you got your start in interior design?
actually took several wrong roads before finding the career that became my passion. I’ve always felt creative but it never dawned on me that Interior Design was something I could do professionally. I first decided to leverage my creative interests into Cosmetology and after some time working in a salon, I still felt drawn to do something more. I then attended BYU but couldn’t find a degree that suited me. After hearing about the Interior Design program offered by LDS Business College, I thought I’d give it a shot knowing Interior Design was something I enjoyed growing up. I LOVED IT and knew it was the right fit when even my assignments were enjoyable. 

After graduating I started my first grown-up job in the industry as a Designer for a local design firm, Studio McGee. I was able to be part of an incredible team designing residential projects across the United States, including a few projects on their recent Netflix series!  After 4 years, my son Declan was born and I found myself needing more flexibility to be a mom. To continue my passion for Interior Design while still having time for my family, I pursued my entrepreneurial dream to start my own design business by opening Canvas House. I currently live in South Jordan, Utah with my husband and our now 2 year old, who loves Buzz Lightyear and causing all sorts of mischief.

Winter home decor inspiration with interior designer Brittany from Canvas House Design.
  • How do you work with clients now? 

Canvas House is an interior design studio that specializes in residential projects of all sizes, from full-scale new builds and large remodels to single rooms that just need a little extra love. Although we’re located in Utah and take on many local projects, we welcome any opportunity to connect with clients all over the United States. Our two different services, Full Service Design and Virtual Design, allow us to work with projects of all sizes, locations, and budgets.


  • How would you describe your approach to interior design? 

Your home should be a direct reflection of who you are and what you love. We truly listen to each client’s specific needs, dreams and hopes for their project and we find so much joy transforming their blank canvases into havens that uplift and inspire every day. Our design aesthetic is natural, clean, and comfortable while always adaptable to different aesthetics our clients are drawn to. We understand that the big picture is important but the details matter just as much as we work to produce a thoughtful and purposeful design for our clients.


  • What has been the biggest challenge with starting your own design company? 

The biggest obstacle I’ve faced when starting my own business was taking that big step into the unknown. When you take that risk and put yourself out there, you don’t know if you’ll land on two feet or fall flat on your face. There’s so much uncertainty in any entrepreneurial pursuit, and that fear can sometimes keep people from taking a chance on themselves and their dreams. I was lucky enough to have a lot of family and close friends cheering me on and showing me how to trust myself and my experience. Starting Canvas House has helped me realize how much I would have missed out on had I let fear hold me back.  


  • Excluding holiday decorations, what changes do you like to make to interior spaces during the winter?

One of the biggest transitions you can make when the seasons change is to switch up the color palette found in your home. Replace your brighter spring and summer colors with warm tones and deeper, rich colors. You can also focus on incorporating certain patterned textiles like plaids or stripes that can give that cozy cabin feel. Adding in layers of knits, throws and furs will also bring in those soft and comfortable elements that we especially love for the colder months. With the change of seasons comes a variety of different greenery, so I will change out my floral arrangements to showcase berries, rustic branches, and evergreens that thrive better in the winter.

Kitchen holiday decorations and inspiration.
Hallway holiday decorations and inspiration.

Design by Studio McGee

  • What are a few of your favorite holiday decorations to use in your home? 

- Garlands and Natural Elements: There are so many beautiful places you can incorporate garland and wreaths into your home. Creating a swag design with ribbon on your staircase or draping some greens above your fireplace near your stockings creates a classic holiday focal point. I love incorporating wreaths inside my home, beyond just my front door. I personally love to see them in front of mirrors or hanging from windows to add more cheer along my walls.  

-Classic Holiday Colors: I usually avoid going too bright when adding color to my decor during the Holidays. Instead, I’ll search for decor with softer tones of white, brass, red, and green. I’ll also add in textures with wovens and wood tones as well.

Christmas table decoration.
Fireplace Christmas home decoration.


Design by Emily Henderson.

-Minimal Holiday Decor: Remember, you don’t have to sacrifice design to add Holiday Cheer. Pick simple items like a collection of trees, a holiday art print, berry stems in a vase, anything that you can incorporate into your everyday decor but will still feel special for the season. 

  • If you were gifting an item to an interior design lover for the holidays, what are the top 3 suggestions you have? 

A yummy candle, a soft throw, or a pretty coffee table book.

  • What are some practical items for the kitchen that add to the aesthetic but are also functional? 

1. Storage Containers: These are a must for a kitchen counter because not only are they beautiful to display, but they’re also perfect for storing dry goods. A pair of containers also add height and fill up counter space that can sometimes feel too sparse.

2. Cookbooks are great to layer and store out in the open. I love leaving them on a stand next to a stove so they’re easy to flip through to a favorite recipe or stack a few between other kitchen items to add height and some color.

3. Salt and Pepper Shakers: It’s great having salt and pepper on hand. It’s even better when they have a beautiful design I can display in an easy to reach place. 

Must-have items for a kitchen counter.
  • What are some practical items for the bathroom that add to the aesthetic but are also functional?  

Soap: I love styling with a beautifully branded  boutique soap because it is such a simple replacement that will feel more thoughtful and elevate the space.

Storage Containers: Bathrooms are a space you usually need to store a lot of smaller items. Containers can add to the design while providing a place to put all those items you need to put away. 

Towels: Towels are usually left hanging out so they shouldn’t be an afterthought when you’re designing a bathroom. Think about how the textures and colors of the towels work with the finishes in your space. Switch up the hand towel to a turkish towel or different pattern that will pair well with the vanity design.

Modern winter-inspired bathroom look.

Design by Me with Studio McGee

  • With more people working from home, what suggestions do you have for people trying to find spaces to put in a desk or a makeshift office in the home? 

As a working  mom with a very noisy 2 year old, finding a quiet place to lock myself away was key. I first set up shop in our extra bedroom among our extra storage boxes. It was important to me to create an office space away from my bedroom or rooms I relate to relaxing, that way I could focus on my tasks and not let my personal spaces get flooded with work. 

Essential items for a home office.


  • We know you and your husband both work from home, what are 3 essentials that you like to have in every home office? 
  1. A Comfortable Chair: My husband’s number one concern when he started working from home this year was that his chair was comfortable and fit his 6’2’’ frame. Investing in a chair that will support your posture is one of the best things you can do to make working from home a better experience.  
  2. Natural Elements: A lot of makeshift office spaces in our homes don’t allow a lot of natural light or outdoor views. I like to add life and nature to my desk by incorporating a small fern or flower among my desk accessories to brighten the mood.  
  3. Artwork/Pictures: When I go to work I still want to be inspired, even if I’m just walking into the other room. Hanging a pin-board for a collection of my favorite photos or putting a family picture on my desk helps add personality and makes the space my own.


We learned SO much from Interior Designer Brittany of Canvas House Design, be sure to follower her on Instagram. We will currently be doing that as we deck the halls this week!