Merry Christmas from Kelsey & Jason! What did we learn from this wild year?

Merry Christmas from Kelsey & Jason! What did we learn from this wild year?

Dec 23, 2019 | Blog

What a difference a year can make. It’s hard to capture how much both Dorai, and Jason and I have grown over the past 12 months. The statement, “discomfort is the currency of growth” has never rung truer (I didn’t come up with that, I heard it from a wise friend). 

While we can measure growth with website analytics and sales data, it’s harder to quantify the maturing of a brand and it’s founders. Dorai has challenged us to become better designers and engineers while learning the art of customer service, supply chain management, social media collaboration, financial operations, and so many obscure yet necessary skillsets. 

There have been days of enthusiasm and optimism, and moments of doubt and discouragement when expectations don’t go as planned. No startup is immune to the roller coaster of emotions, and through these experiences, we’ve become more resilient and intentional as a brand. 

I used to believe that being the hardest working person would equate to guaranteed success. I’m not sure that’s true anymore. What I’ve gleaned from the last 18 months is those who continue to show up and embrace opportunities despite failures, setbacks, and speed bumps will eventually thrive and emerge stronger. 

As with other areas of life, progress is not linear. Personally, I experience this most with marathon training. Each challenging workout or long run is designed to break down your muscles and push your aerobic threshold in order to stimulate growth and improvement. Progress doesn’t happen overnight, it’s through consistent and pragmatic work over a long period of time that you experience significant gains. 

We’re shepherding the spirit of resilience into 2020 as we continue to learn and bring new exceptionally-designed home products to the market. We’re immensely grateful for all our customers who have taken a chance on Dorai and invited a new brand into your home. Thank you so much! 

We wouldn’t have been able to successfully launch and deliver our beloved kitchen line without the help of the talented Klugonyx team. Allysa, Emily, Aaron, Ed and Izzy, thanks for putting your heart into Dorai this year. We so appreciate our partners at Agile Supply Chain Strategies for upholding our values of quality and efficiency with every order. And the mentors, advisors and investors, thanks for imparting us with your wisdom and time. 

Let’s enjoy some delicious food (check out what we’re making for Christmas on our Christmas meal blog post), and the post-meal clean up in a Dorai filled kitchen! Rest and embrace the opportunity to disconnect for a few days, before spearheading 2020 with resilience. 

Merry Christmas from our little family!

Merry Christmas Dorai Home

Kelsey, Jason & Kingston