How to Keep Your Dog Happy and Healthy This Summer

How to Keep Your Dog Happy and Healthy This Summer

If you’re like us, you’re out enjoying summer with your best friend, aka your pup! The warmer months provide the perfect setting for outdoor play with your furry friends. While there is nothing wrong with bringing your dog along on all your summer adventures, we want to make sure we’re always adventuring safely. Here are a few of our favorite tips to keep your dog healthy and happy this summer.

Keep them Hydrated

Just like us, dogs need to be extra hydrated during the summer. When you’re headed out with your pup, bring extra clean drinking water + a portable bowl. We love this one as it’s extra portable and convenient. Be careful of the different water sources you encounter along your way. If you wouldn’t drink it, your pup shouldn’t either. 

It’s always good to be aware of the signs of dehydration. Some of the symptoms include : 

  • Dry eyes 
  • Loss of appetite 
  • Reduced energy and lethargy 
  • Loss of skin elasticity 
  • Excessive panting 
  • Dry nose 
  • Dry, sticky gums
  • Vomiting with or without diarrhea 

If your dog is showing any of these signs, contact your vet.

Once you’re back home with your dog after a walk or playtime, hydrate them again using our new Dog Bowls + Stone Base. Our smallest dog Kora is notorious for lengthy drinking sessions and dripping water around the bowl. This has been the perfect solution after toasty walks. 

Pro tip: Dogs love ice! Give your dog some ice to chew on and it will help instantly cool them down. Plus it provides some added entertainment for them. You can even get creative and create an icy treat just for them! 

dog with dorai dog bowl + base

Exercise Safely 

During the warm months, be cognizant of the time of day you’re taking your dog out. If you’re planning a long hike, take them in the early morning or evening. This will provide cooler temperatures and create a more pleasant environment for you and your pup. Even when you’re letting your dog out to go to the bathroom throughout the day, make sure you’re keeping an eye on them and how long they are spending in the sun. Shaded areas in your backyard are an added plus when letting your dog spend time outdoors. 

On the really hot days, we opt for indoor fetch and throw tennis balls down the hall and focus on short bursts to tire them out rather than long walks. If being outdoors in the peak heat is inevitable, such as when camping, consider a cooling vest to help regulate your dog's temperature. 

Avoid Hot Surfaces 

We love the 7-second rule! If you couldn’t stand on pavement or asphalt for longer than 7 seconds because it’s too hot, your dog shouldn’t either. Asphalt temperatures have been measured to run 40-60 degrees hotter than the surrounding air temperature. That means most surfaces during the summer are 120 degrees on the low end. If you need to take your dog out during peak heat, try to walk on the grass and stay aware of their comfort level. 

Pro tip: Another great option to protect your dog’s feet during the summer are dog shoes. They can definitely be an adjustment for your pup but it’s worth it in the end. Rover has a great list to help you find the best dog shoes for your pet.

dog on a hike

Watch out for Sunburns

Did you know dogs can get sunburns too? Dogs are especially susceptible to areas where they have less fur, such as their bellies and ears. Consult your vet on the best sunscreen for your dog. Do not use human sunscreen on your dog as this can be toxic to them. Many cooling vests, like the one mentioned above, or SPF shirts also offer protection from sunburns. 

Be Aware of Insects and Burrs

Fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes are at an all-time high in the summer. When you arrive home from being outside with your dog, do a quick all-over check for any pests. We tend to plan ‘bath days’ after big outdoor adventures. This can feel excessive but it’s worth it, in the end, to prevent insects from entering your home and aggravating your pet. To help stop pests from bothering your dog, consult your vet to find the best preventative treatments that are safe. 

We know the best outdoor adventures can often result in lots of burrs in the fur. Smaller burrs can get lodged in paws and may not bother your pup initially but cause irritation and excessive licking later on. Be sure to do a bur check after any trail time or wilderness sniff session. 


Here’s to adventuring with your furry friends!


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